Workshops & Retreats

If you've read my About page, you know my extensive background & dedication to helping clients. In my over 40 yrs with patient care & discovery , I have been an international keynote speaker, lectured at myriad conferences and  taught hundreds of workshops both nationally & internationally.

My years of work and experience gave birth to my own cutting edge proprietary treatment approach,  Focal Energtics ®.

Whether seeking to alleviate physical symptoms or pain, move forward with a greater sense of authenticity, awareness and expansion. or to find more balance in mind, body and spirit, my work has helped hundreds of people

I am currently offering several unique workshops & invite you to explore them with me.

“Together we can achieve peace & balance within ourselves, and in turn our outer world will reflect that peace”              

Dr Melinda Roland



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A unique and powerful intensive with Dr. Melinda Roland. VIP days are individually tailored to your desired focus, and with an intent to facilitate quantum results.

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Harnessing Your Body’s Wisdom to Create What You Desire:  An Intro to Focal Energetics®

Online 2-3 hrs.

In this online workshop, you will have the opportunity to explore an area of your life you feel is blocked or impeded, in an intimate setting of 4 participants.  You will experience the power of Focal Energetics® in both your individual session and as a group member. 

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Focal Energetics®

4 week workshop, 2 hours/week

This workshop will introduce concepts and application of FE® in greater depth.  Together, we will focus on exploring areas of personal difficulty or physical discomfort, with goals of discovery, understanding and resolution.   Participants will have the opportunity to do focused work with my support, as well as leveraged individual work facilitated by group process.


What Glass Ceiling? Custom Content for Business and Personal Growth.

Please inquire for dates

Dr. Melinda Roland will design and conduct Individualized workshops for groups, organizations and businesses of any size, based on their particular needs or interests.


Montana Retreats

Please inquire for dates

Once we are able to safely gather in person again, 4 day workshops and retreats will be held at the very special Kahuna Ranch, located in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley of southwestern Montana.

In addition, I will conduct several transformative workshops internationally each year in unique locations.  Each workshop retreat will be limited to a maximum of 8 participants.